martes, 18 de marzo de 2008

20 Questions

20 Questions with Selllf Made

1. Your greatest joy? Travel abroad (haven´t done much)

2. Your secret fear? Dying in a road accident.

3. The best advice you have received and from whom? hmm. maybe i have to return to that one

4. Your most embarrassing moment? When I was in secondary school after waiting a long time for transportation home I finally got an old taxi. When I got in, I sat on my umbrella and it opened on the driver. Some school children in the back had a good laugh saying ¨this is a hold up¨and other ridiculous things. I even laugh at it now.

5. Your happiest moment? Learning that I was spending 6 weeks in Bogota on a student exchange.

6. The biggest turn on in a man? Good manners and cleanliness.

7. The biggest turn off? Bad odour and trying to own my space.

8. The part of your body you like the most? Hmm! Every part.

9. The body part you would like to change if given the chance? I won´t say.

10. The best book you ever read? Whistle me Home. Would like to say the Bible but I haven´t read it entirely yet.

11. On your second chance, what would be your dream profession? A pilot.

12. The thing most people do not know about you? I am ready to pack up tomorrow and live in another country.

13. Your pet peeve? Just one? nah, i want to give more. People who instead of using paper towels use the bathroom tissue and leave it moist and disgusting for others who use the bathroom. Eww! People who lean on me on public transportation. Ewww!

14. Your favourite food? Perhaps a beef roti, with bhagi, pumpkin, channa AND curried mango.

15. The man you most admire apart from your father, husband or lover? Any man who takes care of his family (spiritually too) and loves them truly.

16. Your secret personality weapon? Invisibility.

17. Your personal credo? Love yourself because theres no guarantee that you will find someone to love you.

18. Your irresistable temptation? Good food

19. The one place you would like to visit before you die? Just one? Sweden, Chile, Argentina, Canada, The Bahamas, Curacao, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, France, Italy........

20. Your most elusive goal? check number 19!

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